A SafePace Sign for Everyone
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “There is more to life than simply increasing its speed.” Indian drivers would do well to follow this advice. Records show that speeding is the undisputed frontrunner when it comes to road accidents and fatalities in the country.
As per government data, almost 1.5 lakh people lost their lives in road accidents in 2017, which translates to 17 deaths every hour due to an accident. The number of fatalities is one-third of the number of accidents, which amounts to 53 road accidents every hour.
The count of India’s yearly road accident fatalities is so appalling that it outnumbers even its war casualties suffered so far. While highways comprise about 5% of the total road network in India, they witness 52% of accidents. The high number of accidents on highways may be attributed to higher vehicle speeds and higher volume of traffic.
Improving road safety without managing a driver’s speed can be a challenge for any traffic official. And, managing a motorist’s speed requires trying out a wide range of measures — setting and enforcing speed limits, education of drivers and citizens, awareness campaigns, etc.
Another factor that causes speeding on the roads is the presence of modern cars. These vehicles are capable of easily reaching speeds that were not possible in the earlier generation of cars. Trying to then convince drivers to drive within the posted speed limits is a huge challenge for traffic personnel.
But, the speed of modern cars is not the only reason why motorists speed on the roads and endanger others’ lives as well as their own. There are several other factors that contribute to speeding. One major factor is that of being ‘rewarded’ with a shorter journey time. And each time a driver is able to complete a journey in a short time with no adverse consequences, he is sure to repeat his speeding ‘skills’.
Another common reason that causes drivers to speed is when they are running late for work or for some important appointment. Job pressure and challenging timetables pressurize drivers to step on the gas. Drivers who drive their employer’s vehicle also tend to speed. At times, it is their employers who put them under pressure to make an urgent delivery or some such promptly-report-or-deliver requirement may force them to select unsafe speeds. And then there are some drivers who speed just for fun. Driving fast gives them a sense of thrill. Such drivers when caught speeding usually plead ignorance and claim they were unaware of the speed limit.
It is for such ‘ignorant’ drivers that installation of adequate speed signs becomes all the more important. The recent amendment in the Motor Vehicle Act saw the penalty of speeding in India go up from Rs 500 to Rs 5,000 for a first-time offender. The fine increases to Rs 10,000 for second-time offenders.
Not only is road safety a public health issue in India, it is also an economic concern. The nation loses a staggering $58 billion, close to 3% of its GDP, every year due to road traffic crashes.
The World Health Organization’s global report, which measured enforcement levels of road safety rules across the world, rated India’s enforcement level as fairly weak. This is where technology can help Indian traffic authorities address the menace of speeding. Use of radar speed signs and high-technology speed cameras, along with in-vehicle sensors, can be a great ‘weapon’ for the traffic officials to try and curb speeding on Indian roads and ensure the safety of their citizens.
SafePace Radar Speed Display Signs are intended to slow vehicles down, to make streets more secure for everybody. Also known as speed display signs, driver feedback signs, and ‘Your Speed’ signs, radar speed signs work on the criticism circle hypothesis — when individuals are given data about their execution, they will, in general, notice and make strides.
Here are some SafePace Speed Signs that are being used successfully around the world:
SafePace 600
The versatile 2-digit Traffic Logix SafePace 600 radar feedback sign has two lines of completely customizable LEDs that can display text, graphics, or animation. Whether you want to simply alert drivers of their speeds or notify them about an event (construction or dangerous road conditions), this is the sign that does both. As per the situation, you can choose the message that needs to be displayed. The user-friendly management interface lets you program your radar sign to show different messages based on scheduling or driver behavior. The SafePace 600 dynamic message sign will provide years of continued traffic calming and discipline, making roads a safer place to drive.
Some of the features of this variable messaging speed sign include:
- MUTCD-approved 38 cm digits
- Customizable messaging
- Messages change based on schedules or driving behavior
- Unlimited text and graphic display options
- Energy-efficient power options
- Choice of sign color
The radar speed sign is compatible with:
- AC, battery, or solar power
- Traffic data and reports
- Logix Cloud remote access
- School zone beacons
- Portable trailer
SafePace Evolution 15
The Traffic Logix SafePace Evolution 15 driver feedback sign is a 3-digit, portable, lightweight radar speed sign with full-size 38 cm digits. It displays a speed-activated message to alert and slow down speeding motorists. The digits are dual-color while the messaging that is displayed is available in a choice of red or amber. The SafePace Evolution 15 sign can be mounted at multiple locations. It has a universal mounting bracket and can function autonomously for weeks at a time with optional battery power.
The features of this portable speed sign include:
- MUTCD-approved 38 cm digits
- Displays static ‘Your Speed’ message
- Flashes ‘Slow Down’ message at drivers who exceed designated speed
- Lightweight, compact design
- Energy-efficient power options
- Compact or full-size sign face
- Choice of sign color
The speed sign is compatible with:
- AC, battery, or solar power
- Traffic data and reports
- SafePace Cloud remote access
- Universal mounting bracket
- Beacon system for school zones
- Cruiser LT mobile trailer
- Moveable sign dolly
- Sign hitch
SafePace Cloud — Intelligent Traffic Control
The SafePace Cloud allows traffic personnel to control radar speed signs, access data, and adjust settings from anywhere, anytime with remote access. With the ability to connect and control the speed signs from any internet-connected device, the SafePace Cloud adds a whole new level to intelligent traffic control.
The Cloud offers traffic officials the following features:
- View real-time sign data
- Access all sign stats from one location
- Download detailed traffic data and reports for analysis
- Set up customized alerts
- Change settings and parameters
- Cut down on workforce hours
With all these unlimited possibilities of remote management, SafePace Cloud helps maximize what the SafePace signs can do. The Cloud is compatible with all SafePace radar speed signs.
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